Kevin Chapman. Ordained Priest and Senior Investigator. With a fascination for the paranormal, a love for God and a love for people I chose this profession for one reason, I want to help people.

I have spent many years doing this and I have been trained by some of the best in the field of paranormal research and exorcisms. A Masters in Theology and a Masters in Psychology and a degree in Parapsychology help me to do my best in this field.

Brenda Chapman. My beautiful wife and "Demon Chasing" Partner. Brenda also has a desire to help others. She is an empath and a huge asset to this group. She is one of the Senior Investigators. Also, with a background in Psychology and religion and a vast knowledge base of the paranormal she makes this job a little easier for me and the rest of the crew. Brenda is also our point of contact; she conducts all preliminary interviews and is an amazing professional.

Sean Bradwell. Lead Investigator and our son. Sean is in law enforcement, so his investigative skills and techniques are invaluable to this group. Sean also has extensive knowledge of the paranormal and is a very valued member.

Zechariah and Iva Bradwell. Our recently married son and daughter-in-law. These two are our Visual Techs, they monitor cameras as our investigation is conducted. Their job is critical to our safety and success. Very selfless and dedicated to helping everyone in the investigation and the clients.